Dr. Yeturu Aahlad

Chief Scientist, Inventor, and Co-Founder

Length of tenure

Appointed 23 February 2017

Skills and experience

Dr Aahlad is a recognised worldwide authority on distributed computing. He is named in 73 WANdisco patents, including US and international patents, continuations and divisionals. It was Dr Aahlad’s vision and years of persistence that led to the invention of technology that many thought was impossible – that of Active-Active replication (WANdisco’s patented DConE technology). Prior to WANdisco, Dr Aahlad served as the distributed systems architect for iPlanet (Sun/Netscape Alliance) Application Server. At Netscape, Dr Aahlad joined the elite team in charge of creating a new server platform based on the CORBA distributed object framework.

Prior to Sun/Netscape Dr Aahlad worked on incorporating the CORBA security service into Fujitsu’s Object Request Broker. Dr Aahlad designed and implemented the CORBA event services while working on Sun’s first CORBA initiative. Earlier in his career, Dr Aahlad worked on a distributed programming language at IBM’s Palo Alto Scientific Center.

Dr Aahlad has a PhD in Distributed Computing from the University of Texas, Austin, and a BSc in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras.

External appointments


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