Access Control Plus

Increase development team collaboration

Delegate access control of your company intellectual property to project administrators via a user friendly application.

Access Control Plus explained

Access Control Plus takes a team-based approach to enabling project administrators to easily manage the complexity of complete and proper authentication (AuthN) and authorization (AuthZ) configuration file generation. Each team can have a delegated team lead able to make changes to the teams’ access within clear boundaries. AuthN and AuthZ files are automatically generated and securely delivered into their required locations. Account Authentication can be done via LDAP (AD) or be locally managed. Subversion access can be either via Apache or SVNSERVE. Git access is enabled by Apache and controlled by Git MultiSite. Scales to the largest implementations.

Benefits of Access Control Plus

Eliminate manual errors
  • Single application for handling all access control to your repositories
  • Replication can be enabled for HA/DR purposes
Enhance overall efficiency
  • Developers can determine if they should have access
  • Enables developers to maintain their own SSH public keys (SVNServe)
Eliminate mistakes in complex authorization administration
  • Web browser driven UI
  • Generated AuthN and AuthZ files are always complete and properly formatted

Cirata enables efficient collaboration

Web based logical user interface
Simple web interface to the complex world of repository access control.
Team based
The “team” is the focus of the entire access control process. Add users to teams. Add repositories to teams. Add rules to teams to access those repositories.
100% REST API interface
Enables extreme customization if required. Enables solid report generation.
Generated AuthN and AuthZ files
Always complete. Always correct.
Stand-alone or with replicated repositories
Designed and implemented to work with a single server or replicated deployment.

Open source packages

Subversion support packages
We are there to help you when issues arise with your Subversion development efforts.
  • Repository maintenance
  • Upgrades
  • Break-fix
Git binaries
Fully tested / certified Git binaries for most Linux and Windows platforms
Subversion binaries
Fully tested / certified subversion binaries for most Linux and Windows platforms
Need to boost development team collaboration, reach out for more information or book a demo today

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Featured resources

Data sheet
Access Control Plus

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